oi, I’m Marcela bonancio.
I’m a Scientist of life
I spent ten years navigating the "dark night of the soul," a period marked by life-altering events that grounded me in profound personal transformation. I refer to these events as the 3Ds of life: Divorce, Death, and Disease. These profound experiences inspired me to pursue an MS in Neuroscience & Education at Columbia University.
My academic focus centered on Post-Materialistic Research (Yoga, Meditation, Spirituality), Creativity, and Psychedelics.
My thesis explored the concept of active inference theory (brain predictive pattern) grounded in contemporary neuroscience to explain brain mechanisms and human behavior. Additionally, it explores the inflexible mind and how the brain processes loss and grief and provides insights into navigating life's challenging moments with resilience and adaptability.
“The inflexible mind is the root of human suffering”
“Your weapon is your voice, your love, your humility, and your patience”
“Life is an experiment. We, scientists at heart ”